Sunday, October 9, 2016

'60 Days In': "Shakedowns, Defiance and Snitches'

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This season of '60 Days In' is way more intense than the previous season. Ryan has gotten way to comfortable while Quintin is being smart about the decisions he makes. Sheri and Ashleigh approaches MonaLisa but the outcome is far from what they expected. Dion seems to holding on as best he can but he is able to break at any point.

Sheri and Ashleigh approached Mona to let her know they knew she was in the program. Mona was shocked but as soon as Sheri revealed she passed a note, she wanted no parts of Sheri or Ashleigh. Mona felt Sheri passing a note could jeopardize their purpose for actually being there so she walked away. 

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Ryan of '60 Days In'

At first Ryan was frustrated when he entered C-Pod until he became accustomed to the dealings within the inmates. He started traded commissary, which he was forbidden to do. Ryan was going against the grain and it could cost him his life. He feels that he way of doing things is the right way verses what he was taught in training.

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Ashleigh of '60 Days In'

Towards the end of the last episode of '60 Days In' Sheri passed a note to get the attention of the CO's. As a result to her note, there was a shake down in the females pod twice. Inmate Ashley became suspicious of a snitch and went in a verbal rage. Ashleigh who is a participant called Ashley's bluff after she heard her call white girls b*****s. 

Ashley tried to intimidate Ashleigh but she stood her ground. Ashleigh then went into her room and laced up just in case she had to throw some hands.

See who's going to make it to the end as you tune in to '60 Days In' Thursdays on A&E!

Tamara M. Anderson

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