Thursday, September 17, 2015

Apollo Nida Request Money For Books From Female Pen Pal

Apollo Nida who is married to Phaedra Parks of 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' is requesting female pen pals to send him money for his books while serving time for bank fraud and identity theft.

According to The Shade Room, Nida reportedly asked one of his female fans who thanked him for reading a book she wrote, to put at least $20-$50 on his books for him.

“I just wrote him back, thanked him for reading the book & respectfully told him that I have a daughter and b4 I send money to a guy I don’t know I’d rather put that 25 in her savings account.”

In response to the female Apollo said some mean words.

“He said he didn’t know 25.00 was a lot and he will pray that I gain [financial] wealth so that I can afford to put more than $25 dollars in my daughters savings. Lol.”

The female didn't say much to Apollo after that but she gave him a few words that will make him think twice about making a woman feel like she owes him.

“I may not have a lot of money, but at least I can walk across the street,” the female fan added.

This makes you wonder how many other female pen pals did he ask for money? And how many actually put money on his books? How dare he get mad at this woman for not sending him money when she doesn't even know him? The nerve of people!

Why should anyone sent Apollo money while he is in prison? He is serving a 8 year sentence which is noone's fault but his own. What he did involved money, or did he forget?
Tamara M. Anderson

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