Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dance Moms" Should Holly and Nia leave ALDC?

Abby Miller of the Lifetime series "Dance Moms" has always had her picks. Maddie was her favorite for the past seasons but on season five she's trying to get Kalani to be her next rising star. 

On episode 30 of season five Abby put Nia and Kalani up against each other for a solo performance. Out of her own mouth she said whoever wins will be doing a solo in nationals. Nia's did a jazz/hip hop dance called "Bye Felicia" and Kalani was given a contemporary piece called "Shades of Grey".

Unfortunately, Abby wasn't a woman of her word. It's bad enough that following Nia's performance she was too stubborn to raise her hands and clap, but when Kalani's performance was over she clapped. 

Holly Frazier always stands up for her daughter Nia as all the mother's should. During Tuesday night's episode she said  “I think Nia, quite honestly, is quite often the underdog that people just dismiss, but you can’t count her out. Don’t give up on my kid,” she said. “She may be the horse that’s coming in from behind you don’t even realize.”

During the award ceremony Kalani's performance came in at number three and Nia won first place. Was Abby happy? Of cours not! Instead she said "Oh My God" as if Nia didn't deserve to win. In the dressing room she hugged Kalani and dismissed Nia. She didn't say congratulations or anything. 

When Nia asked if she was in the finals since she beat Kalani, Abby said No that was not the case. She added that Kalani had a huge breakthrough. Holly then stood up for Nia said her daughter also had a breakthrough after winning first place but Abby disagreed.

“Oh, I don’t. She’s won what, three times in her life?” Abby said. “For what it’s worth I thought Nia was great, but she does not blow me away. I need a sure thing and my sure thing is Kalani.”

What Abby did was dead wrong. She said herself whoever wins will be performing in the finals. That was not fair for her to snub Nia just because Kalani came in third. This season Abby has been nothing but cruel and unfair toward Nia. She praises Kendall and the other girls when they do good but Nia is always overlooked.

Holly and Nia should just leave the ALDC. The moms don't take up for neither of them but Holly always had their backs until she realized they didn't have hers. It's a shame that Abby treats Nia the way she does. Nia has come a long way but it looks as if she's just taking up space. Nia is very talented and Holly can find her a better place with a teacher who wants to work with her and who sees her talent.

Former Dance Moms Christie and Kelly have already taken their girls and left ALDC and it wouldn't be a surprise if Holly and Nia are next! No one deserves to be treated the way Miss Miller treats Nia. It's even more sad when the other moms don't act like team players and speak up!
Tamara M. Anderson

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