Monday, September 14, 2020

Big Brother 22:"Da'Vonne Stands Her Ground, Can She Pull Off A Win This Time Around?"


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Well, they say three times a charm!

Now that Bayleigh is out and Da'Vonne is still in the game, can she pull off a win?

This season on 'Big Brother All Stars' the cast includes some of the best players and some of the best floaters. Da'Vonne and Bayleigh joined the cast, along with David, Cody, Nicole A., NIcole F., Memphis, Keesha, Enzo, Ian, Kevin, Christmas and vet players Dani, Kaysar and Janelle.

NIcole was the first to be evicted and Janelle followed behind her. During the fifth week it was Bayleigh that was evicted but she didn't leave without giving a piece of her mind to the houseguests. In her defense Da'Vonne also took a stand and gave a powerful speech before Bayleigh's eviction, following a heated argument with Christmas who put up the two to break their alliance. During the argument Da'Vonne walked away from Christmas because she didn't want to be labeled as the 'angry black woman' had she responded.

"I hate this game. Why does she get to talk to me like that, but if I respond, everybody's going to look at me crazy," Da'Vonne ranted. "She's talking to me like I'm her child, and if I respond to that, I'm going to look crazy!" 

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Before Bayleigh was evicted, Christmas shared her reason for putting Bayleigh up for nominations was because she named Da'Vonne as her untouchable. Unfortunately, for Christmas, that was not a valid enough reason for putting the two up next to one another. Christmas cried after putting Bayleigh and Da' Vonne on the block. However, her whole attitude changed when Da'Vonne confronted her. Tyler, who had a hand in Bayleigh and Da' Vonne nominations, tried to get Christmas to use the Power of Veto and put in up as the replacement. Christmas wasn't willing to go along with that plan which caused a major uproar. 

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With Bayleigh now out of the game, Da'Vonne is left to play the game alone. She has no other alliance that she can truly depend on. She has her mind set on winning this game. She wants revenge.

Sunday, Dani, won the Head of Household competition. Da'Vonne pitched the idea to backdoor Tyler. Although Tyler was on her radar, she put up Kevin and David for nominations. So, we all know David has the disruptor , which he is going to use on himself to save himself. So who will Dani put up as a replacement? Is it time for Tyler to leave the house? Or should it be Christmas?

Da'Vonne who played in Big Brother 17, when she was eliminated the second week. She returned the following season and was evicted the sixth week. Now that the 32-year-old mother has gotten a third chance to win the game, can she pull it off this season?

 Da'Vonne deserves to win. She has played the game better than she has done in the past. In a previous interview she told host Julie Chen that she would play this game over and over again. Thus far, she is making things happen. Other than playing for her daughter, she is also playing for Bayleigh.

 The pair have also competed on MTV's 'The Challenge'.










Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Challenge 35: "Dee And Rogan Playing Off Emotions, Didn't Earn Red Skull Fairly"

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Dee and Rogan
The Challenge 35

Ever since TJ announced the change to the game some of the competitors have been playing off their emotions while others are playing a scared game, even the vets.

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The Challenge 35

Dee and Rogan who won the finals last season on 'The Challenge' are back competing again. Last season they were a thing but this season they were no longer an item. However, Rogan had his eyes set on rookie Jenn and Dee didn't like it. When it was time for the women to fight for their first skull, Dee was adamant about sending in Jenn. She didn't like Jenn because Rogan was flirting with her so she was on board with sending her into the purgatory to go up against Jenny.

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Jay and Dee
The Challenge 35

Ultimately, Jenn lost that battle and was sent home. With Jenn out of the picture Rogan was now available for Dee all to herself, so we thought. Instead of flirting and flaunting with Rogan Dee had other plans. To get back at Rogan she started flirting with Jay, who had already earned his red skull when he defeated Asaf. Jay went along with Dee's flirtations not knowing she was doing it to make Rogan jealous. Although Dee said she did like Jay and found him attractive, we all know she was flirting with Jay to get back at Rogan for flirting with Jenn.

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Jay vs CT
The Challenge 35

After Jay earned the first red skull in the purgatory elimination he became a target and a threat. Vet Ct and rookies Bailey and Swaggy C were in the tribunal Rogan saw it as a chance to go in to purgatory against Jay. Feeding off of his emotions, Rogan begged the tribunal to put him into the purgatory with Jay. When it came down to the final vote, CT decided he wanted to get the red skull and let Rogan sit that one out. Ct is a strong competitor, and one of the strongest male competitors in the game. However, his swoleness and amazon strength wasn't fast enough to beat Jay and CT ended up going home. Not only did Jay defeat a veteran he also earned his second skull.

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Jay of The Challenge 35

Following Jay's second win was the females turn to battle it out in the purgatory. Dee who chickened out of purgatory when Jenn was in the ring decided she would go up against Ashley. Ashley was already at her boiling point so she was already fired up to win. During the purgatory challenge Dee collected her five challenge title pieces while Ashley was still trying to find the final piece. The objective was to put the five challenges in chronological order and Dee had no clue which order the challenges go in. She got the answers wrong three times but with the help of Wes, Dee won. Dee didn't win fairly because without Wes telling her the answers she would not have known the correct order. Ashley being a seasoned player would have gotten them correct with no help. While Dee was trying to figure out the order Ashley would have found her piece and beat Dee fair and square.

After Dee got her red skull it was the males turn and Rogan was coming after Jay, again. This time the tribunal didn't hesitate to send Rogan into purgatory. The problem was Rogan was already in his feelings after Dee kissed Jay in his face. He was furious at Jay when he should have bee furious at Dee. No way the tribunal should have put Rogan in there with Jay knowing he was in rage and acting off his emotions. As soon as Rogan got the chance to hurt Jay in a physical way he did just that. He went into the purgatory with the intent to cause harm to Jay and that was not a fair win.

Both Rogan and Dee are playing off their emotions in this game and it's not fair to those who are really there to compete to win. TJ should implement striker rules to prevent people like Wes from giving answers, and from people like Rogan feeding off his emotions and intentionally causing bodily harm. 


90 Day Fiance: Before 90 Days: "No Happily Ever After For Rose and Ed"

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Rose and Ed
90 Day Fiance: Before 90 Days

On the episode titled "Private Eyes" of '90 Day Fiance: Before 90 Days' Ed revealed to Rose that her sister asked him for money and wanted to know if Rose has anything to do with it. Rose assured him she had no knowledge of her sister asking him for money. Ed then asks if it's okay if he and Rose discuss the issue with her sister together and Rose replied, yes. However, when Ed told Rose he was going to have a vasectomy and he doesn't want any more children, things took a turn for the worse.

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Rose and Ed
90 Day Fiance: Before 90 Days

During previous conversations Rose repeatedly said she wanted more children. Ed even recalled Rose saying she wanted a girl in an interview. Ed had plenty of times to tell Rose he didn't want anymore children before he went to see her in the Philippines. He had plenty chances to tell Rose he didn't want anymore children and still continued to lead her on.

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Ed and Rose at airport
90 Day Fiance: Before 90 Days

When Ed and Rose met for the first time in person Rose realized Ed had lied about his height. He then asked her to shave her legs after he gave her a massage and had sex with her. He then gave her some toothpaste and mouthwash saying he notice she had bad breath. When Rose took Ed to meet her family, Ed complained and criticized the conditions of where and how she lived.

Photo By Tamara M. AndersonRose Breaks Up With Ed
90 Days Fiance: Before 90 Days

Well, Rose felt after Ed told her about the vasectomy and him not wanting children that he embarrassed her one too many times and gave Ed a piece of her mind. She asked Ed why he didn't tell her about the not wanting children before now and Ed was speechless. She then called Ed mean, told him that he didn't really love her or her son, and he embarrassed her. To sum it all up, Rose told Ed she no longer wanted to have a relationship with him. Ed tried to plead his case with his famous phrase "I love you". He said he had intentions on proposing to her. Despite Ed's plea, Rose made it clear she was done. She went to their hotel room, gathered her things and headed to the airport. 

Oh well, doesn't look like a happily every after for Rose and Ed. From the looks of next week's episode of '90 Day Fiance: Before 90 Days' titled "The Pleasure Principle" Ed was shocked to find Rose had took her things and left. He thought she just needed some time to think but she was long gone. Is it really over for Ed and Rose? Did Rose leave for good?

Ed appeared to show signs of a father to Rose rather than her man. He was trying too hard to change her and mold her into the woman he wanted her to be. Now he's back single again after nearly three decades. Hopefully he takes Rose advice and change the way he treats women before he attempts to find love again.


Sunday, January 5, 2020

Illinois New Raise in Minimum Wage Is Not Enough to Lift Low-Wage Workers Out of Poverty

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker

            Single mothers struggle daily trying to keep a roof over their family’s head, food on the table and provide the basic essentials. Some can barely afford school supplies, clothes and shoes for their children. Young adults are either homeless or living with parents, living with someone they know, or renting a room from a stranger because they are not making two to three times the rent or don’t have a co-signer. Parents can’t afford daycare or to enroll their children in after school or summer programs due to high costs. Minimum wage should at least be $12.00 an hour starting now for all workers to assure stability, once low-wage workers make it out of poverty.

            According to PayScale statistics, Illinois cost of living is 23% higher than the national average, with 56% higher in housing, 10% lower in utilities, 8% higher in groceries, 27% higher in transportation, and 1% higher in health. As reported by Smart Asset, the cost of rent runs from $927 for a studio to $1,618 for a three-bedroom apartment, utilities with the internet $191, transportation $105, and 6.25% in state taxes and 4% in local taxes. Not to mention restaurant food and additional taxes, as well as, miscellaneous expenses such as car notes and health insurance. Based on these statistics the average worker is spending $2,964 at the most and $1,977 at the minimum for rent/mortgage, utilities, transportation, cable/internet, miscellaneous, and taxes.

As part of ‘The Lifting Up Illinois’ Working Families Act’, on February 19, 2019 Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a new law to increase Illinois minimum wage from $8.25 to $9.25 for regular workers. The Illinois minimum wage rates will increase in a series of seven adjustments beginning on July 1, 2020 when the rates will increase to $10 for regular worker but remain at $8.00 for underage workers. It won’t be until January 2021 minimum wage will increase for underage workers from $8.00 to $8.50 and regular workers receive $11.00, Following that year the minimum wage will increase by $1 until it reaches $15 in 2025. By then a young worker can earn $13 an hour. Pritzker told reporters that anyone who puts in a hard day’s work should be able to afford to put a roof over their head and food on the table. He also stated that raising the minimum wage would lift low-wage workers out of poverty, according to AP News.

Earning $10 an hour the average low-wage worker is only taking home $1600 a month before taxes, and the underage worker takes an estimate of $1280, depending on the hours. A single mother with one child would have to work two jobs just to make ends meet. A father who is the breadwinner for his family would have to put in overtime and workdays off jus to provide for his family. Underage workers who are underpaid should receive the same minimum wage as regular workers. Although the numbers in teen parents have declined, the teen pregnancy rate was at 17.4 in 2019. There was an estimate of 2,018 teen mothers in Illinois between the ages of 15-17. Some teen parents have their parents and other relatives to assist them, but they still must provide for their child. Those who don’t have a support system have to work much harder to take care of themselves and their child.

For the first time in 10 years Illinois raised the minimum wage but is it enough to low-wage workers to lift themselves out of poverty? Of course not, the cost of living in Illinois is even higher now than it was a decade ago. In order to get out of poverty, taxes need to decrease, and the minimum wage rate should be where all Illinois workers can not just sustain but maintain.

Tamara M. Anderson